For over a decade, Arianna Pagani has been documenting civil society, humanitarian crises and gender equality. She has worked in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Tunisia, Turkey, the Western Balkans and Italy.

She has covered stories exploring how the contexts of war, socio-economic disparities and climate change affect people's lives. Her investigative reports, documentaries, and photographs have been featured in a range of nationally and internationally publications.

She is fascinated by the possibilities offered by multimedia tools and she is always looking for innovative paths in journalism and storytelling. She has worked as a mentor and as a trainer, developing innovative educational projects for students and marginalized communities, with NGOs and universities.

Basic information

Arianna Pagani
Multimedia Reporter
women, civil society, conflicts, environment

Supported projects

Europe's Seas in Danger

  • Environment
  • Fishing industry

EDINBURGH - Europe’s marine environment faces a plethora of severe threats. What are the key species in decline, and which interest groups are lobbying against marine protection laws? This investigation looks into Europe’s interconnected marine systems, and how they can be preserved.