Ovtar24.si, an online media platform, was established on May 3, 2021, coinciding with World Press Freedom Day, to address the growing journalistic void in Slovenske gorice, a region in northeastern Slovenia with approximately 30,000 residents.

Our mission is to instill self-assurance, critical thinking, literacy, and positivity in our community. Our logo features the name "Ovtar," representing a traditional (local) guardian of the vineyards, symbolizing protection, integrity, and responsibility. This embodies our role as "Ovtar24.si" in safeguarding news, information, objectivity, and reliability.


Basic information

Online media platform,
Lenart v Slovenskih Goricah

Supported projects

Local News to Every Village!

  • Journalism & Media

LENART - The goal of the project is to engage and educate the local community by enhancing the website with podcasts, introducing a 'My news' web interface for local news contributions, hosting discussion evenings on local information and media literacy, and publishing a book on media image in Slovenske gorice.