The Institute for Sustainable Development and Environmental Protection Green Circle is a voluntary, non-governmental and non-profit association, founded on March 6th, 2007 to achieve goals in the field of environmental protection, sustainable development, healthy lifestyles, agriculture, human rights and improvement of social services, humanitarian and volunteer work.

Ekolist and eEkolist are civil society media. Ekolist was launched at the very beginning of the establishment of the NGO, in June 2007, while the electronic edition was launched in 2019.

EKOlist magazine, is registered in the Agency for Business Registers as a medium under the number NV000468. eEkolist is registered in the Agency for Business Registers as a medium under the number IN000811. The mission and goals of EKOlist and eEkolist Magazines are to influence the awareness of the individual's personal responsibility for the state of the environment through informing the general public. Through a direct approach to the problem of nature pollution, protection and improvement of the environment, both of magazines and internet portal contributes to the awakening of readers' ecological awareness.

EKOlist /eEkolist magazine deals with and writes about topics in the field of ecology, nature protection, environmental protection, sustainable development, Chapter 27, transparency of spending ecological
money, ecological corruption, waste management, recycling, green and circular economy, energy efficiency, renewable energy sources, animal protection and welfare, organic agriculture, socially responsible companies in the field of environment, green construction, etc..

Our goal is to offer a vision of solutions to the problems we have in this area with an innovative approach to environmental journalism.

Basic information

Zeleni krug - Ekolist
Internet diary about nature and environment
Veternik, Novi Sad

Supported projects

Strengthening through training in environmental reporting techniques

  • Environment
  • Journalism & Media

NOVI SAD - In order to improve the capacity of independent media in the field of environmental protection, Journalismfund Europe is supporting this project aimed at small independent media outlets in the region of Vojvodina.