Ghent University
For a decade (2007-2017) Ides was affiliated with Ghent University (Faculty of Political and Social Science) as a lector teaching basic social media skills and data journalism. (10% FTE)
Thomas More Mechelen
For two years (2006-2008) Ides was a teacher Computer Assisted Reporting (CAR) at the Lessius Hogeschool (now Thomas More), campus Mechelen (Bachelor Journalism). (10% FTE)
- Ides is since 2021 a member of the board of Bonk vzw - the non-profit organisation behind Flat Earth Society Orchestra - volunteer
- Ides was a member of De Loep jury (2017-2022) - volunteer
- Ides was a member of the Press Prize of the "Orde van Vlaamse Balies", Prize for the best Belgian (Dutch speaking) publication on law in general and court reporting in particular. (2020 - volunteer)
- Between 2014 and 2019, he was a member of the Assessment Committee (documentary series) of Flanders Audiovisual Fund (VAF).
- Ides was a member of the jury of the Erasmus Prize 2018 (The Netherlands) - volunteer
- Ides was a board member of PEN Vlaanderen from 2013 until 2017- volunteer
- Member of the board of the Vereniging van Onderzoeksjournalisten (VVOJ), the Dutch-Flemish association of investigative reporters (2002-2008 and 2012-2014) - volunteer
- Member of the Belfius Award 2013 & 2014 - volunteer
- Member of the general Board FMBrussel (now BRUZZ) (2006-2012) - volunteer
- Member of the Advisory Committee of cultural Biographies of Flanders Literature (2007-2009, 2011 and 2012) - volunteer
- Member of the jury of the Prize of the Flemish Minister of Media (Belgium, 2011) - volunteer
- Member of the jury of the Prijzen Karel Van Miert – Etienne Davignon 2011 (Award of the European Commission Representation in Belgium and the Association of European Journalists) - volunteer
- Member of the jury of the European Young Journalist Award (2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010) - volunteer
- Member of the Advisory Committee of Users (ACU) of the researchproject FLEET, An Interdisciplinary research project on FLEmish E-publishing Trends / IWT – SBO project (2006 - 2009) - volunteer
- Member of the Steering committee of the Institute for Public History (Ghent University) - 2007 - volunteer
- Former member of the advisory committees (journalism) of Artevelde (Ghent) and HUBrussel (now Odisee University of applied sciences). - volunteer
- Member of the jury of the World Audio Festival (Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2005) - volunteer
Publications / Articles / Quotes / Interviews
- Another record year for - Ides Debruyne, 02 Jan. 2023
- Opnieuw een recordjaar voor - Ides Debruyne, 02 Jan. 2023
- Journalistiek in een veranderende samenleving - Ondergeschoven kind van media-innovatie? - Michiel Scharpé en Ides Debruyne in: Media en innovatie in een veranderende samenleving - Uitdagingen voor de Vlaamse mediasector. - Tim Raats en Tom Evens (red.), Uitgeverij ASP, Brussel, 2021.
- Lokaal en Europees onderzoek tegelijk doen: Journalismfund wil het mogelijk maken. - Birte Schohaus, Amsterdam, 01 Oct. 2020
- "Desinformate wordt het grote probleem" - Joël De Ceulaer (De Morgen, 12 Nov. 2019)
- ‘Kan de klokkenluider nog steeds bij de media aankloppen?’ in: “Orde van de dag” #72, dec. 2015, Wolters Kluwer, Mechelen
- ‘Der emanzipierte Journalist und die EU’ (übersetzt von Martin Fiedler) in Thomas Mayer (Hrsg.), Nun sag, wie hast du’s mit… - Essays prominenter Journalisten zu grossen Kontroversen der Gegenwart – Evangelische Verlagsantstalt – Leipzig, 2015
- Rare jongens, die politici. (23 Nov. 2013)
- Als puntje bij paaltje komt, moet de pers haar eigen boontjes doppen. De Tijd - (01 Dec 2012)
- Ides Debruyne was a co-editor of the VVOJ-yearbook that gives an overview of interesting investigative projects in the Low Countries (2004-2014).
- Ides Debruyne was the project manager of the European study "Deterrence of fraude with EU funds trough investigative journalism in EU-27" published in 2012.
- De minister, de journalist en zijn baas (De Standaard, 23 May 2012)
- Journalisten moeten nieuwe kunstjes leren - Dominique Deckmyn (De Standaard - 10 Dec. 2010)
- Tomorrow's journalist is an emancipated journalist. ( - 10 October 2010)
- De journalist van de toekomst is een geëmancipeerde journalist. (De Nieuwe Reporter - 15 October 2010)
- Publisher of ‘Jonge Honden – Is er nog toekomst voor de journalistiek?’, Geert Zagers, Uitgeverij Van Halewyck, 2009 – ISBN 978 90 5617 948 9
In 2013 he and his former colleague Brigitte Alfter won the ‘Prize for the Freedom and Future of Media'. (Germany - Leipzig)
Ides Debruyne studied visual arts (painting) at Luca, School of Art in Ghent (Belgium).
Contact: ides.debruyne [at] (ides[dot]debruyne[at]journalismfund[dot]eu) or +32 2 705 59 19
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