NIAMEY - This is the first article of a year-long cross-border independent investigation into EU money invested in Niger for security purposes.
In September 2020, the Nigerien public opinion discovered that it's own security forces were guilty of massacre of population in the north of the Country, in Inatès.
Materials given by the European countries could have been used according to an investigation by Mediapart, harming the image of western intervention in the Sahel.
- Au Niger, les violences des forces de sécurité au nom de la lutte antiterroriste, Mediapart, 15/09/2021;
- What’s behind the rising violence in western Niger? - New Humanitarian, 23/09/2021;
- Au Niger, la faillite d’une mission de « stabilisation » financée par l’UE - Mediapart, 30/11/2021;
- ‘No room for dialogue’: How abuses by Niger’s foreign-funded army derail its anti-jihadist fight - The New Humanitarian, 30/11/2021;
- Eucap in Niger: la “sicurezza” per giustificare gli sperperi - Il Fatto Quotidiano, 06/12/2021
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