
MILAN - This project is providing training for investigative journalists on how to monitor the spending around the almost €60 billion Italian Recovery Plan

The Italian Recovery Plan foresees an investment of 59.7 billion euros over the next 5 years for “green revolution and ecological transition” projects. Local communities and investigative journalists will play an important role in monitoring this huge amount of money that will be spent in the environmental sector. For this reason info.nodes, will organize training for journalists who aim at monitoring and investigating these projects and will assist three journalists in investigating and exposing local cases.

This project had three main objectives:

  • to improve the capacity of journalists to investigate and expose crimes related to environmental issues;
  • to offer coaching for three selected local investigative projects;
  • to publish the three selected local investigative projects

As a result of the two-days workshop, 8 teams started investigating on stories related to the misuse of the Italian Recovery Plan. 

We will keep you up to date with the publication of the stories. So far, Stefano Nicoli and Chiara Spalino have published an investigation on the failed plan of refolding the Po river in northern Italy.



Info.nodes is a non-profit organization established in Italy in September 2019.

€14.000 granted dd. 14/07/2022

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