
EUROPE - Schools are crucial integration hubs. This investigation is about teaching migrant students in the schools of Europe.

In many European cities teachers deal daily with the arrivals of young migrants and refugees, who may have experienced violence, war and loss, and who must adapt hurriedly to a language and a culture different from their own. Special interventions - such as language courses and psychological and learning support – are often desperately needed. But scarce funding and inconsistent school policies warrant a failure to deliver these vital services. Teachers struggle while juggling few resources, and migrant students often underperform and have a more difficult school experience.

This cross-border investigation looks at how schools deal with migrant teenagers in France, Germany, Italy, Poland and UK and what the main challenges for their teachers are. We asked:

  • Are there common national guidelines, and how can a local school adapt to these?
  • Are there dedicated and sufficient funding and specialized staff?
  • Do teachers have the necessary training and skills and what would they need more?
  • What are the best practices developed for the intercultural dialogue? 
  • Last, but most important, in a time where Europe seems to close its borders, are schools giving equal opportunities to all the students, or is the right to education at risk?

📷 by Carolina Rapezzi

Team members

Carolina Rapezzi

Carolina Rapezzi is an Italian freelance photographer based in London.

Carolina Rapezzi

Marzia Minore

Marzia Minore is a freelance journalist based in Italy.

Marzia Minore

Ula Idzikowska

Ula Idzikowska is a Polish freelance journalist and reporter based in Czech Republic.

Ula Idzikowska

Agata Szymanska-Medina

Agata Szymanska-Medina is a Polish photojournalist based in Berlin.

Agata Szymanska-Medina

Shirin Abedi

Born 1996 in Tehran, Shirin migrated to Germany at the age of seven.

Shirin Abedi

David Simantov-Lévi

David Simantov-Lévi is a French director, investigator and writer.

David Simantov-Lévi

Sal Ahmed

Sal Ahmed covers European news and current affairs for a variety of international news outlets.

Sal Ahmed

Crina Boros

Crina Boros is a London-based freelance data-driven investigative reporter and trainer.

Crina Boros

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