22 supported projects match your criteria. View the awarded projects View map

Dinosaurs Under the Hammer

  • Education
  • Science

ZURICH/ALTMULTHAL - Fossils of dinosaurs are the new Picassos and Van Goghs. Millions are often given for precious skeletons. Such is the case for Trinity, the skeleton of a T. rex that Antwerp entrepreneur Fernand Huts bought a year and a half ago.

A 'Degree' of Sacrifices

  • Education
  • Exploitation

COPENHAGEN/GOTHENBURG/OSLO - Winter is cold in Scandinavia, even more so if you come from afar and are used to warmer climates, as for many international students who choose to defy the low temperatures and buckle up to study up north.

Alexander Maxia

Universities Accept Fossil Fuel Funding

  • Education
  • Energy
  • Finance

OXFORD – Fuelling academia: OpenDemocracy and Investigate Europe find that Europe’s leading universities have received at least €260 million from fossil fuel giants and taken advice on degree curricullae. 

universities funding in europe

Children of the ABN

  • Culture
  • Education

Low Countries - In Flanders, we now speak Dutch. But that was not always the case. Less than a century ago, most people spoke their local dialect and the upper social class spoke Flemish-colored General Dutch or French.

Oostakker's forgotten sex scandal

  • Youth
  • Justice
  • Education

OOSTAKKER - November 1967. The police raid the Martens-Sotteau orphanage in Oostakker. Following the report of a social worker, it is suspected that the children there are being abused. Father O., Capuchin and confessor, and the guardian P.J. were arrested.

The World in a Classroom

  • Cities
  • Education

EUROPE - Schools are crucial integration hubs. This investigation is about teaching migrant students in the schools of Europe.

Carolina Rapezzi

Is the Dutch Language Union going on the deep end?

  • Culture
  • Education

AMSTERDAM/BRUSSELS - The Dutch Language Union is unique in the world; nowhere else do two countries cooperate so closely in a policy area. They have been doing so since 1980, when the Netherlands and Belgium concluded the Language Union Treaty. In it they solemnly declared their joint commitment to spread the Dutch language throughout the world.

Guide for research journalists

  • Data Journalism
  • Journalism & Media
  • Education

AMSTERDAM - The official handbook of the Dutch-Flemish Association of Investigative Journalists covers the internationally renowned Story-Based Inquiry method: a fast and effective way to organise and carry out journalistic research. Around it, the authors discuss the social, psychological, legal, financial, ethical and societal aspects of investigative journalism.


  • Youth
  • Education

BRUSSEL - Onder het gezag van commandant Walter Van Dyck volgen de jonge rekruten van het Belgisch leger een basisopleiding tot militair. Aan de hand van rollenspelen wordt hun toekomst als beroepssoldaat verbeeld.

How Scorpions and Ghostbusters Fight Corruption in Sierra Leone’s Education Sector

  • Corruption
  • Education
  • Human Rights

FREETOWN - Sierra Leone is one of the least developed countries in the world. Two of the main out of many challenges the West African state is facing are rampant corruption and some of the lowest educational outcomes worldwide.