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After Years of Walking

  • Armed conflict
  • Youth
  • Education

KIGALI - After the genocide of 1994, the Rwandan government temporarily suspended history from the school curriculum. The characters in After Years of Walking - children, teachers, genocide killers, students and historians - all find themselves in an uncertain zone between the old history and a new one.

Sabena crash - the story, the intrigue, the witnesses

  • Transport
  • Politics

ZAVENTEM - Steven Decraene, Peter Denruyter and Geert Sciot are three journalists who have delved into the complex and tragic Sabena case. Sabena was the first national airline in Europe to disappear. How did this happen to the country's flying monument?

Foster Parents Plan's Mysterious Ways

  • Social affairs
  • Politics

OUAGADOUGOU - When freelance photographer Karl Deckers realised he had not received any Annual Progress Reports about his foster child anymore for the years 1999 and 2000, he looked through the reports from 1992 to 1998. To his surprise, each year's report seemed to be more or less a copy of that of the year before. Deckers decided to go and have a look at the situation himself.

World Music on Three Continents

  • Culture

SALVADOR DA BAIA - The popularity of world music has been on the rise in recent years. But often the countries of origin of the musicians in question are only in the news because of wars, disasters or economic crises. The story behind the music, the importance of it in society as catalyst for messages of development or warnings against AIDS, is never told.

Maeterlinck, termites and plagiarism

  • Culture

PRETORIA - David Van Reybrouck investigates whether and to what extent Maurice Maeterlinck, so far the only Belgian Nobel laureate in literature, committed plagiarism when writing 'La Vie des Termites' (1926).

Aboke girls

  • Armed conflict
  • Politics

KAMPALA - Africa specialist Els De Temmerman is the first person to receive support from the fund. In her book The Girls of Aboke, she talks about the fate of two girls who were used as child soldiers by rebels in their fight with the government army in northern Uganda. The girls, like thousands of their peers, have to kill other children and torture the population.