Offshore Leaks: ICIJ director Ryle in Brussels


BRUSSELS - For the first time since the revelation of the tax haven scandal 'Offshore Leaks' the director of the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ), Australian journalist Gerard Ryle, will be in Europe to speak about the workings of the investigation and the future developments of the project.

"People have all sorts of illusions about investigative journalism which I guess I wanted to tackle"


BRUSSELS - Paul Bradshaw publishes the Online Journalism Blog and is the founder of investigative journalism website Help Me Investigate. At the #dataharvest13 conference, he talked about Help Me Investigate the Olympics, which combined crowdsourcing, cross-border and data journalism in a unique investigation into wrongdoings around the Olympic torch relay of 2012.

#dataharvest13 – A Fruitful Produce


BRUSSELS - On 3 and 4 May 2013 the third edition of’s Data Harvest Conference took place in Erasmushogeschool in Brussels. Some 150 investigative and data journalists and programmers from all across the European continent took part in what was a great harvest of ideas and digital research methods.

“News distorts our view of the world”


BRUSSELS - For Press Freedom Day 2013, and PEN Vlaanderen hosted a special event on Friday 3 May in Brussels to discuss the role of investigative journalism in safeguarding freedom of the press.

#dataharvest13 on Twitter


The Data Harvest Conference started in style, with some 150 participants and speakers from more than 20 different countries. Here's what the participants found of it.

“Data is raw information, devoid of subjective interpretation”


BRUSSELS – Blaž Zgaga is a busy man. The In the Name of the State trilogy that he co-authored with colleague Matej Šurc, about illegal arms trade in Slovenia during the Yugoslav Wars in the 1990s, is booming in the Balkans. He recently co-founded the Slovene Centre for Investigative Journalism and was involved in ICIJ’s Offshore Leaks project.

"People are even talking about it through WhatsApp"


BRUSSELS - Mar Cabra is one of Spain's most famous data journalists. Vice-president of the Spanish chapter of the Open Knowledge Foundation, she also teaches data journalism in two master degrees and coordinates monthly workshops on the topic in Madrid. She is a member of ICIJ and was very closely involved in the recent Offshore Leaks project. And what's more: she'll be speaking at #dataharvest13 on 3 and 4 May in Brussels.

IRE Awards 2012 announced


COLUMBIA, MO - Investigations that spanned borders and oceans are among the work honored in the 2012 Investigative Reporters & Editors Awards that were announced on April 10.

ICIJ exposes offshore's global impact


WASHINGTON, D.C. - The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ), a project of the Center for Public Integrity, released today its first of many reports from a 15-month investigation that cracks open the historically impenetrable world of offshore tax havens.