Nestlé recognises its responsibility and promises progress after's research (2021)

Nestlé recognises its responsibility and promises progress after's research


VOLVIC - After a Libération investigation into illegal dumping grounds of Nestlé Waters in Vittel, the mineral water giant is forced to act more transparently. In Vosges Matin its management admits their responsibility for nine illegal landfills and announces a draft action plan to remove its waste.

Ministry of Transport in Lebanon issued a warning to ticket sales agents in Sweden (2021)

Ministry of Transport in Lebanon issued warning to ticket sales agents in Sweden


BEIRUT - In May, 2021 the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport in Lebanon issued an official statement with a warning for agents in Sweden and Germany, who sell airline tickets to Syria via Beirut. The goal of these ticket sales offices is to defraud Swedish residents, the Ministry said.

2 jury members go public: Ritu Sarin & Catherine Gicheru


BRUSSELS - Today reveals two jury members of its Money Trail grant programme: Ritu Sarin from India and Catherine Gicheru from Kenya are both outstanding personalities with an impressive track record in collaborative investigative journalism.

Independent cross-border journalism with impact


BRUSSELS - In 2020 supported 153 investigations by 319 journalists from 48 countries. The increasing number of projects proves that is responding to a growing need for support for independent investigative journalism. bids for EC’s €1.5m budget to support cross-border investigations


BRUSSELS - gladly welcomed the European Commission’s new call to support investigative journalism. Together with OBC Transeuropa, submitted a proposal for a grant and training programme to support European cross-border investigative journalism, including a special track for local journalism.

European Cross-border Grants programme reopens for applications


BRUSSELS - Today reopens its European Cross-border grant programme to support independent cross-border investigative journalism. With this programme aims to further contribute to the development of a vital European public sphere by enabling investigations into issues of common interest to European citizens.

Modern Slavery Unveiled launches new grant programme: Modern Slavery Unveiled


Today launches ‘Modern Slavery Unveiled’, a project to provide critical resources and know-how to journalists to investigate exploitation of Asian victims of human trafficking and forced labour in Europe.

Pilot project for science journalism


BRUSSELS - vzw has launched a pilot grant programme for journalism about science and its impact on society. The Vice-Minister-President of the Flemish Government and Flemish Minister of Science Policy, Hilde Crevits, provides €46,000 in support.

How to find a teammate


If you're planning on applying for one of our cross-border grant programmes it is very likely that you will need a teammate from a different country or continent.