
The conference is like a European editorial meeting: Participants develop story ideas, get together in new networks to work on a common story or sit down with coders and designers to analyze and present a new data set. Editors talk about how to best structure the work process or how to best protect freedom of expression in practice. This is how Dataharvest works.

Participants range from senior investigative editors and journalists at established media and production companies to freelancers and journalists at non-profit outlets and junior journalists working on agenda setting projects.

What makes Dataharvest, The European Investigative Journalism Conference, unique:

  • It is a working conference, where international teams meet and coordinate. Numerous stories have begun at the EIJC & Dataharvest conference.
  • It is a learning conference – with systematic training in CAR, digital safety collaborative methods and other relevant skills.
  • It is an innovation conference – with knowledge sharing about new business models and new journalism techniques in a time of dramatic changes in the media world
  • It is a networking conference – because stories don’t stop at the border. We actively stimulate the networking to build new teams for stories and collaborations
  • It is a knowledge sharing conference – where speakers from successful and important journalistic projects and newsrooms give presentations, head workshops and share their experiences.

More info: www.dataharvest.eu

See the programme.


Thomas More Hogeschool