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Inside Europe’s AI Border Fortress

  • Human Rights
  • Migration
  • Technology

ATHENS/BERLIN/ZURICH -The European Union is deploying AI-driven technologies along its borders in an to attempt to control migration flows, raising legal and ethical concerns about the impact on migrants' rights. While these systems are promoted as improving efficiency and security, they have raised concerns about privacy violations and restrictions on the right to asylum, concerns that this research confirms.

Camera at refugee camp on Samos

Illegal Gravel And Sand Extraction in Hungary and Romania

  • Corruption
  • Environment
  • Industry

CLUJ-NAPOCA – This investigation reveals widespread illegal gravel extraction from riverbeds in Romania, exacerbated by corrupt practices and poor law enforcement. Ongoing dredging is causing serious damage, threatening freshwater resources, agriculture, and biodiversity.

Morocco-EU Agricultural Corridor: Looking Into Imbalances

  • Agriculture
  • Environment

AGADIR / PERPIGNAN – Grown for the most part in the Souss region of Morocco, tomatoes have become one of the most cultivated and exported vegetables of the kingdom. What goes wrong for the environment and agriculture if Europeans keep importing — and eating it in winter?

Forever Lobbying Project

  • Environment

BRUSSELS / PARIS - Over a year, a team of 46 journalists in 16 countries investigated an ongoing massive, orchestrated lobbying and disinformation campaign led by the PFAS industry and their allied organisations to water down a proposal to ban “forever chemicals” in the EU and shift the burden of environmental pollution onto society, threatening the economic equilibrium of European nations. 

Migration of Care

  • Healthcare
  • Migration

BERLIN/PRAGUE – This investigation examines migration trends in the care sector, focusing on foreign workers in Germany, elderly migration to the Czech Republic, and the reliance of Czech healthcare on foreign professionals.

Dark Green

ONLINE/LONDON – Dark Green is a new free online training programme from The Centre for Investigative Journalism (CIJ). It will focus specifically on helping journalists to more effectively follow the money in their environmental and climate investigations. 

Returning Home Without an Arm or a Leg

  • Exploitation
  • Migration
  • Work

AMSTERDAM/BUCHAREST/SOFIA/WARSAW - What happens if one of the million migrant workers living and working in The Netherlands - often doing dangerous jobs - gets permanently injured during a workplace accident? This investigation sheds light into the workplace accidents among migrant workers in Netherlands.

Kenyan Coffee Farmers Grapple with Climate Change

  • Agriculture
  • Climate
  • Environment

KIAMBU - Across Europe – the largest coffee market in the world – millions start their days with an espresso or cappuccino. But behind Europeans' ever-growing love of coffee lies a bitter truth of environmental degradation and human exploitation.

How Can European Apple Growing Become More Environmentally Friendly?

  • Agriculture
  • Environment

VINSCHGAU / THIAN SHAN - This project shows that the protection of a special natural heritage – namely the wild apple forests of Kazakhstan, — is in Europe's strong interest, as it might help to make European apple growing more environmentally friendly.

Billionaires use hunter-gatherers to offset carbon emissions

  • Industry
  • Environment

BARAY - Billionaires, luxury tour operators and airlines legitimise their CO₂ emissions with carbon credits from the Hadzabe, a group of hunter-gatherers in Tanzania who hardly emit any CO₂ themselves.