Cătălin Prisacariu is an investigative journalist based in Bucharest, Romania. He is the founder of defapt.ro.

Prisacariu is a former contributor to the EIC.network.

He has worked for local and national Romanian media outlets and wrote investigative stories for European media outlets like ARD, Financial Times, Spiegel, Television Suisse Romande, etc.

cătălin prisacariu

Basic information

Cătălin Prisacariu
Investigative journalist

Supported projects

Empowering Environmental Investigative Journalism in the South Caucasus

  • Environment

TBILISI - This project, consisting of several phases, addressed the critical need for high-quality environmental investigative reporting in Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan.

The Black Sea in Peril: The Echoes of War Ripple Beyond Borders

  • Armed conflict
  • Environment
  • Politics

NOVA KAKHOVKA – In June 2023 the Russian military targeted Ukraine's Nova Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant, triggering an ecocide that strained the ecological resilience of the region. The polluted water added to the Black Sea's ongoing environmental degradation because of negligence and weak policies in the region.

Black sea war damage

Where The EU Washes Its Dirty Linen

  • Industry
  • Trafficking

MILAN/SOFIA/ARAD – Tens of thousands of tonnes of textile waste arrive in Romania and Bulgaria every year, mainly from Italy and Germany. Despite the fact the EU had acknowledged the extent of the textile waste smuggling across the continent, no strategy so far proved to be efficient in preventing it.

The Cost of War for the Danube Delta

  • Armed conflict
  • Environment

CANAL BISTROE – Ukraine needs to defend itself using any means at its disposal. At the same time, the Danube Delta ecosystem must remain protected. Are these two demands mutually exclusive?

Cost of war for Danube Delta

Italian Connection: How Convicted White-collar Romanians Escape Jail Time

  • Corruption
  • Tax evasion

BUCHAREST - Dozens of people definitively convicted in Romania live today in Italy.

Inquam Photos/Octav Ganea

The Logging Business

  • Energy

CROTONE - The price of energy from woody biomass. The video-investigation, lasting about 30 minutes, investigates the issue of deforestation aimed at the production of woody biomass, qualified as renewable energy sources by the European Commission and therefore subsidised by the Member States.

Romania and Bulgaria, safe havens for Italian mafia money

  • Corruption
  • Finance

BUCHAREST - The need of Italian mafia networks to carry out vast money-laundering operations took them to Romania and Bulgaria. They set up companies that not only succeeded in flying under the radar but also won government contracts. 

The European Social Fraud

  • Economy
  • Politics

BRUSSELS - The European Social Fund (ESF) “is Europe’s main instrument for supporting jobs, helping people get better jobs and ensuring fairer job opportunities for all EU citizens”, according to the ESF website.

The Criminal Migrant Shipping Network

  • Migration

Smugglers, some of them organised in networks, are profiting from migrants’ despair by selling them their services, making a fortune in the process and fueling their criminal enterprise with cash.