Chris Knapp is a journalist based in Paris, France. 

His work has appeared in The Paris Review, n+1, Granta, and the New England Review, among others. He’s earned an MFA in fiction at the University of Virginia, and an MA in journalism and international affairs from SciencesPo in Paris, where he lives with his wife. His first novel, States of Emergency, will be published by Unnamed Press in September.

Chris Knapp

Basic information

Chris Knapp

Supported projects

Chlordecone: The Toxic Legacy of Pesticides in the French Antilles

  • Agriculture
  • Environment
  • Healthcare

FORT-DE-FRANCE / BASSE TERRE – This investigation goes behind the scenes of a French state scandal, tracing a historical route from governmental actors who approved use of chlordecone, a dangerous chemical, in agriculture, to the realities of victims speaking out today. Their testimonies highlight how the islands of Martinique and Guadeloupe face an environmental and sanitary disaster still ongoing.

pesticides in french antilles