Emese Gelmarean-Vig (Romania) has worked in journalism for over two decades both in television and in online media. 

Emese has covered a wide range of topics, most of them about the every day life of the hungarian minority in Transylvania. In the last ten years, the connections between the Hungarians who live in Transylvania and the Hungarian government ruled by Viktor Orbán are very tight, and with the moral and cultural support of the mother nation also comes the implementation of the illiberal narrative of the Fidesz party.

She has written several articles about this phenomenon, including about the Fidesz campaigns in Transylvania, but also about the MCC foundation, which was brought to Transylvania from Hungary and is also known as the Fidesz elite training centre, and which is now recruiting young people in Transylvania. 

Emese Gelmarean-Vig

Basic information

Emese Gelmarean-Vig
Journalist, Leading Editor
Hungarian Minority, Politics

Supported projects

Are Hungarian Public Funds Being Invested in a Romanian Village?

  • Finance
  • Social affairs

SZEKLERLAND - While most of the municipalities in the region face the problems including a lack of infrastructure, there is one municipality where millions of euros have been invested in recent years.

Helga Toth / Transtelex