Geesje van Haren is a Dutch journalist, who has run her own media organization VersPers for over 16 years.

Geesje is the driving force of the project and head of the growing team of Lost in Europe. She coordinates the research on the ground, brings the team together, works in the field and is responsible for fundraising. Geesje van Haren has much experience as a mediamaker and she teaches investigative journalism, creativity, entrepreneurship and photography. She is founder of the private school for investigative journalism Open Eyes in Amsterdam.

Geesje van Haren

Basic information

Geesje van Haren
Investigative journalism, creativity, entrepreneurship and photography
Nederhorst den Berg

Supported projects

Green Gold Rush - How Kenya Pays the Cost for Europe’s Obsession with Avocados

  • Agriculture
  • Environment

MURANGO - Kenya, the largest exporter of avocados in Africa and the sixth largest in the world, has seen extensive deforestation as vast tracts of land are converted to avocado farms, and this is just one of the environmental and social costs of Europe's avocado obsession.

An Unrosy Affair: How Europe’s Love for Flowers Is Exacerbating Climate Change in Kenya

  • Climate
  • Environment
  • Exploitation

NAIVASHA - Many of the beautiful bouquets sold across European markets have a devastating environmental and human cost. In Kenya, a supplier of 40% of the European cut flower market, the floriculture industry faces accusations of having a calamitous effect on water sources, of chemical use leading to disease, and of widespread abuses of farm workers, 70% of whom are women. 

The Migrant Farm Workers on the Frontline of Europe’s Climate Crisis

  • Agriculture
  • Climate
  • Migration

CAMPOBELLO DI MAZARA –  Bearing the brunt of deadly heat waves and extreme weather, migrant farm workers in Italy and Spain are on the frontline of Europe’s climate emergency. While the media has focused on the impact of rising temperatures on European citizens, hundreds of thousands of migrant labourers in Italy and Spain toil away in 45°C temperatures picking olives, harvesting tomatoes, planting seeds, and irrigating crops. 

Lost in Europe

  • Migration
  • Trafficking

KOSOVO - In Kosovo a well organized trafficking network has started a big wave of minors who leave for Italy. Thanks to the Zampa law, which was introduced in 2017, they can get licenses to study or to work, if they report themselves at the Italian immigration services. The law was meant to decrease the number of missing unaccompanied migrant children, but it helps human smuggling in hand. "It's a company of 100.000 euros a month, but no one seems to care", says the prosecutor in Triëste.