Jose Fernandes (1959) started to photograph in the 90's but it was through the living experience of Hurricane Katrina that his concentration on social essays became stronger. He has published in international magazines such as Monument, DAMn°, Tribe, Travel and Leisure and Conde Nast, and has collaborated on several books including ‘Lusobelgae’.

José Fernandes was born in Angola of Portuguese parents. He grew up in Portugal but left to the New Orleans area where he received a degree in Economics and where he lived for 28 years working as a Stock Broker and Door to Door Furniture Salesman.

His most recent project will result in a book and publications about Portugal's first clandestine African neighborhood, Cova da Moura, where he has been living for 2 months and has worked for nearly one year. 

Jose Fernandes

Basic information

Jose Fernandes
Photographer & journalist
social essays
United States
New Orleans