Juris Jurans is an investigative journalist that works in one of the largest online media outlets in Latvia. TVNET is a media outlet that focuses on everyday happenings in Latvia as well as analyzing political, social and economic aspects of those.

Juris has taken part in many journalistic training's, led by prominent investigative journalists from such organizations as OCCRP and Re:Baltica. Through different training courses that focused on investigative reporting and cross boarder collaboration, Juris has developed a deeper understanding of good journalistic and investigative practises, as well as the organizational aspect of cross boarder collaborations.

In his work Juris puts focus on criminal law issues in place in Latvia, especially crimes related to drug trade and those involving minors, as well as political discrepancies among leading politicians in Latvia. He also has put a lot of time and effort in analyzing the issues in military sector, as well as different energy sectors.

Juris holds a bachelor's degree in political science with a major in international relations, and is currently studying his master's in the same field.

Juris Jurans

Basic information

Juris Jurans
Investigative journalist
criminal law issues

Supported projects

Peat pressure: Industrial peat extraction in enforcement firing line

  • Environment
  • Industry

DERRYCRAVE - As part of a cross-border project to investigate the peat extraction industries in Ireland and Latvia, the Irish investigative platform Noteworthy has examined the impacts of unlicensed peat extraction across the country. The findings reveal a system of largely unregulated peat extraction that continues to this day where the Irish State has largely fallen down on its enforcement role, including that no local or national authority maintains a register of peat companies or the amount of peat extracted for commercial purposes.