Khaled Sulaiman is an environmental journalist from Iraqi Kurdistan.

Khaled Sulaiman is the author of Water Guards … Drought and Climate Change in Iraq. With more than 15 years of work with regional and international media platforms about water and environmental issues in the Middle East. With the aim of strengthening the role of the media in facing the effects of climate change, he also collaborates with French Agency of Media development (CFI), Free Press Unlimited (FUP), Stanley Foundation, Internews and Planetary Security Initiative. Through this, he conducts regularly, media training projects about security and social related issues to climate change.

Khaled Sulaiman published various investigative articles and books, in Arabic and Kurdish, about the impacts of global warming on the MENA region. He writes continually for the DARAJ media platform and collaborates with regional and international newspapers such as The National News, Al-Mada newspaper and Der Spiegel. In addition, he collaborates as a media consultant with international media organizations such as Internews. Through his media expertise, Khaled conducted multiple environmental journalism projects in Iraq and the MENA region.

Basic information

Khaled Sulaiman
Iraqi Kurdistan

Supported projects

The Human Cost of G4S' Watch

  • Security
  • Technology

LJUBLJANA - What is the cost of security companies, such as G4S? One way of calculating the harm is counting the dead and the injured.