Klára Filipová is an experienced data journalist, with a long history in Czech Television and a nationwide investigative programme.
Since 2017, she has been employed at the regional newsroom of Czech Television in Brno. In addition to her traditional role as a TV reporter, she has also served as a creator of news content for social media. In 2020, she relocated to Prague, where she worked at the public Czech Television as a researcher and editor for the well-known investigative programme Reporters of Czech TV. This experience sparked her interest in data journalism, leading her to complete an internship facilitated by ECJ in the data editorial office of another public media outlet, Czech Radio. After gaining several years of national experience, she has concluded that her true passion lies in returning to regional journalism. With this in mind, she decided to move back six months ago, aiming to leverage her expertise in establishing a credible media outlet in a region currently underserved by media coverage.