Marco Valle is a photographer focusing on environmental and social issues.

The images he captures aim to tell the critical conditions of the local territories and their interaction with the communities that live in a close relationship with it. He aims at exploring how different regions are affected by human activities that impact the environment and the health. His works have been featured by The Wall Street Journal, The Guardian, British Journal of Photography, L'OBS, 6Mois, Bloomberg, L'Espresso, Internazionale, FQ Millennium, National Geographic Italia.

Marco Valle

Basic information

Marco Valle

Supported projects

The Bitter Taste of Bananas Coming From Costa-Rica to Europe

  • Agriculture
  • Climate
  • Environment
  • Healthcare

MATINA - For over two decades, residents near banana plantations in Costa Rica have been exposed to pesticide sprays from planes, affecting their health and environment. Despite being banned in Europe, these chemicals are still exported to Global South for use in agriculture, where they are often used by major companies like Dole Food Company and Chiquita International.

Trapped by debt: Punjabi workers exploited in Italy

  • Exploitation
  • Migration
  • Trafficking

LATINA - How, through debt, a network of intermediaries linking India to the Pontine countryside keeps thousands of Indian workers under blackmail, exploited in one of the largest fruit and vegetable districts in Europe.