Pieter Bauwens is a Belgian journalist.

Pieter Bauwens, (°18/02/1974) has been editor-in-chief of Doorbraak since 2010, later Doorbraak.be. Pieter studied religious sciences and communication sciences at the KULeuven with the firm conviction of becoming a journalist covering religions. But that journalistic branch has shrunk considerably. He covers Belgian communitarian policy, the Council of Europe, ecclesiastical current affairs, also in the Vatican and the persecution of Christians.

Basic information

Pieter Bauwens
Belgian communitarian policy, Council of Europe, ecclesiastical current affairs, the Vatican and the persecution of Christians.

Supported projects

Does change work?

  • Politics

BELGIUM - Journalist Pieter Bauwens traveled around Flanders (Belgium) for three months to speak with members of the Flemish nationalist party N-VA (Nieuw-Vlaamse Alliantie). It learned him how the N-VA has become a power party and let him to draw seven conclusions about the party.