Renata Saric is the ERNO Coordinator (Eurovision News Exchange for Southeast Europe) at the Coordination Office in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Renata assists in coordination of the daily exchange of political, economic and cultural news stories and co-production among eleven Public Broadcasting Services from Southeast Europe, and the coverage of news stories from the region for all European Broadcasting Union members.

With her team in ERNO Coordination Office, she also works as a producer in the ERNO TV crew in covering the most relevant events for the region and assists in coordination of the exchange of documentary programs, co-productions of feature stories and short documentary movies, organizes workshops and training for media staff from Public Broadcasting Services in the region, reports on all the project activities to our international donors, maps out the application documents for various grants announced by the international institutions including European Commission, UNESCO, international Foreign Ministries, etc.

She is a professional TV journalist and producer since 2001. She works at the current position since 2001, while before she had worked in adaptation of the foreign programs for commercial TV station - OBN in BiH. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in English language and literature from the Sarajevo Faculty of Philosophy. She speaks Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian and English.

Renata Saric

Basic information

Renata Saric
Bosnia & Herzegovina

Supported projects

Balkan security in the light of global warming

  • Environment
  • Security

SKOPJE/SARAJEVO – Five journalists from four Balkan countries have worked on the joint theme of climate security risks in the Balkan region

Saving Life Resources in Western Balkans in the Wake of the Climate Meltdown

  • Environment

BELGRADE / SKOPJE / SARAJEVO - Although Western Balkan countries keep reiterating their commitment to the green agenda and transition on their path to the EU membership, they still lag behind their EU neighbours in preserving our main resources like water, air and soil.