Rinke van den Brink (1955) is a Dutch senior health journalist and bookauthor

He started his career at De Waarheid and worked as a freelancer for VARA and VPRO radio. He was the Dutch correspondent for Wallonian broadcaster RTBF and newspaper Le Soir and editor for Vrij Nederland. Van den Brink wrote four books on right-wing extremism in Western Europe: ‘De Internationale van de Haat’ (1994), ‘L’Internationale de la Haine’ (1996), ‘De Jonge Turken van het Vlaams Blok’ (1999) and ‘In de greep van de angst’ (2005). He has covering healthcare for NOS Nieuws between 2005 and 2021.

Rinke van den Brink

Basic information

Rinke van den Brink
Senior health journalist & bookauthor
antimicrobial resistance, health issues, extreme right, rightwing populist movements

Supported projects

The End of Antibiotics

  • Healthcare
  • Innovation

Antibiotics have long been a sort of wonder drug that allowed for a significant decrease in mortality from all kinds of infectious diseases. But there is one disadvantage to antibiotics: bacteria develop a resitance for them. In The End of Antibiotics journalist Rinke van den Brink puts these imperceptible bruisers under the microscope. He speaks with scores of international specialists and asks them for possible solutions, because antibiotic resistance is a worldwide problem.

Mentor for

Inside Iceland's blood farms

REYKJAVÍK – This investigation explored the controversy around PMSG, a hormone used for meat production: How it is produced, why and where it is used, ethical debates, and the complex legal battles around it.

farms for horse hormones