Roman Dobrokhotov is founder and editor-in-chief of The Insider, Russian independent online magazine focused on investigations and debunking of fake news.

Roman lives and works in Moscow. He has a Ph.D. in political science and used to be a civil activist and organiser of protest campaigns in support of human rights. The Insider was founded in 2013 and since than Roman Dobrokhotov has participated in many important investigations concerning Russian trolls and hackers, invasion in Ukraine, GRU operations in Europe, corruption of the Russian government and many others.

Roman Dobrokhotov won (in collaboration with Christo Grozev and Daniel Romein) the 2019 European Press Prize with ‘Unmasking the Salisbury Poisoning Suspects: A Four-Part Investigation

Basic information

Roman Dobrokhotov
Politics, Russia

Supported projects

Messages from the dark side

  • Journalism & Media
  • Politics

BRUSSELS - Across Europe, misinformation campaigns launched online by a handful of people, ahead of the European Union elections in May. The series of articles reveals the most common misinformation techniques and goes behind the scenes to meet those who fight it.