Sara Manisera is an independent reporter and writer working in the Middle East, in particular in Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, Tunisia and Italy.

Her work focuses on women, civil society, conflict, environment, migration and organised crime. Her work has been published in numerous international media outlets including Al Jazeera, Libérration, Deutsche Welle, CNN, Christian Science Monitor, Radio Swiss Television, RAI, Middle East Eye, Ozy, Roads&Kingdoms, Al Monitor, The Nation, Slate, The New Humanitarian, Internazionale, Lifegate, Courrier International, Repubblica, La Stampa and many others.

Sara Manisera

Basic information

Sara Manisera
Reporter and author
women, civil society, conflicts, environment, migration and organised crime
Abbiate Grasso

Supported projects

The Trees of Discord: Land Grabbing and Carbon Credits in Madagascar

  • Agriculture
  • Environment

IHOSY - What can possibly be wrong about planting trees? This investigation digs deeper into a conflict unfolding in southern Madagascar, between the local community and an Italian multinational. As similar green projects multiply, this case highlights a critical challenge.

The Bitter Taste of Bananas Coming From Costa-Rica to Europe

  • Agriculture
  • Climate
  • Environment
  • Healthcare

MATINA - For over two decades, residents near banana plantations in Costa Rica have been exposed to pesticide sprays from planes, affecting their health and environment. Despite being banned in Europe, these chemicals are still exported to Global South for use in agriculture, where they are often used by major companies like Dole Food Company and Chiquita International.

Europe's Seas in Danger

  • Climate
  • Environment
  • Fishing industry

EDINBURGH - Europe’s marine environment faces a plethora of severe threats. What are the key species in decline, and which interest groups are lobbying against marine protection laws? This investigation looks into Europe’s interconnected marine systems, and how they can be preserved.

The Price of Oil

  • Environment

BASRA - In Iraq, one of the world’s driest and poorest countries, Western oil companies are exacerbating water shortages as they make record profits exporting alternatives to Russian oil in the wake of the war in Ukraine.

EU regulations triggering illegal fishing in Tunisia and Libya

  • Environment
  • Fishing industry

KERKENNAH ISLANDS - In Tunisia, artisanal fishers are facing depleted fish stocks as a result of illegal bottom trawling.