Vladimir Nikoloski earned a BA in journalism and has more than 20 years of work experience in several printed and online media.

He was an assistant editor-in-chief in the first macedonian daily newspaper Nova Makedonija and an editor on the media platforms established by the Institute for Communication Studies - Skopje.

Today he is a DW collaborator and works as a senior digital journalist in the macedonian newsroom of Bloomberg Adria and collaborates on projects led by the Institute for Communication Studies through which he satisfies his passion for nature protection and investigative journalism.      


Vladimir Nikoloski

Basic information

Vladimir Nikoloski
Nature protection & investigative journalism
North Macedonia

Supported projects

Nature for Sale: Why Protection of Endemic Species Isn't Enforced

  • Environment
  • Trafficking

SKOPJE - The Macedonian grayling is a unique butterfly species which resides exclusively on the outskirts of a small Macedonian town, with no other known locations worldwide. The specimen of this rare and endangered butterfly can be purchased at low prices across Europe — how did this become possible?