Jawny Lublin is the press organ of Fundacja Wolności.

The jawnylublin.pl portal has been operating since 2017. Since then, we have published over thousand unique texts on topics related to local politics, spending public money, irregularities in public life. The jawnylublin.pl portal uses the 10 years of experience and resources of the Freedom Foundation, including access to public information, civic control, data analysis, and contacts with public figures.

Jawny Lublin

Basic information

Jawny Lublin

Supported projects

Lublin More Transparent

  • Journalism & Media

LUBLIN - The project is meant to increase the scale and effectiveness of the portal's activities. Within its framework, the media will develop financial independence (fundraising), expand  opportunities through purchase of equipment and training and improve reader involvement by creating a newsletter and working on the overall quality of the portal).