
We are happy to announce the 2017 deadlines of our regular cross-border grant programme. There are four cross-border deadlines planned. The deadlines for other grant programmes will be added later.

Journalismfund.eu started allocating research grants to transnational teams of investigative journalists as early as 2009. Our regular European cross-border grant programme has grown since then. For 2017 we can announce four deadlines:

  • Monday 1st February 2017
  • Wednesday 1st May 2017
  • Friday 1st September 2017
  • Wednesday 15th November 2017

The deadlines all close at 11.59 pm Brussels time.

Only teams consisting of at least two journalists from a different European country can apply. Before you consider submitting an application, please read the eligibility criteria. In the run-up to each deadline, advice sessions will be organised via Skype where interested candidates can ask us their questions and voice their concerns.

For journalists who already have a good idea and a team to work with: don't forget the next upcoming deadline of 27th October 2016!

Find more information about the application procedure here.

1,1 million euro for journalistic research grants


BRUSSELS – Journalists with a good idea for an investigative story with a European angle can now apply for research grants from the European Union. 1,1 million Euro will be distributed in two rounds of applications. The first deadline is on January 15th 2011.

New research grants for journalists in Africa


ACCRA – Numerous African reporters have contacted Journalismfund.eu for funding. Now new research grants are made available for four Western African countries. Recent examples show that African reporters very much are interested in the same subjects for cross-border research as European ones.

Announcement: next upcoming deadline 27 October 2016


We are pleased to be able to announce the next upcoming deadline (which will also be the last one of 2016): Thursday 27 October 2016.