
GOTHENBURG – What are the priorities for accountability-focused climate change journalism? 80 investigative journalists and leading experts discussed them during a day-long meeting that took place with support from Journalismfund Europe at the pre-conference of GIJC 2023. A full report has now been made available.

The day before GIJC 2023, the Global Investigative Journalism Network convened a collaborative workshop involving 80 climate change journalists and experts from 35 countries to discuss the role of investigative journalism in climate crisis reporting.

Accountability is at the heart of investigative or watchdog journalism. Revealing the causes and effects of global warming in a multitude of ways and for a wide range of audiences is critical, and it is essential that journalists are given the time, skills and tools to hold relevant entities and people accountable, be they in government or in the private sector.

During the workshop, the following topics were identified as priority areas for investigations:

— The fossil fuel industry and its vast network of enablers and related industries;
— Government policies and promises the world over and who is influencing them;
— Climate change finance in all its complex forms;
— Vulnerable communities;
— The clean energy transition — winners and losers;
— Climate change as a complex, interrelated global crisis.

You can access the 14-pages detailed report here (written by Anne Koch, Toby McIntosh, Deborah Nelson, edited by Reed Richardson, designed and illustrated by Smaranda Tolosano).

The event was supported by the Professional Development Grant for Environmental Journalism.


Wildfire’s Causes and Effects: Two Investigations Of Southern Europe’s Disasters


SARDINIA / EVIA / EXTREMADURA / LEIRIA / ODOU - Megafires have become a staple chapter in southern Europe, particularly affecting the most remote regions that are not taken sufficient care of. What does the escalating frequency of fires indicate for our future? Two cross-border teams of journalists have tried to raise awareness of the issue and prove that European countries need a better common strategy to respond to this threat.

Climate Facts Europe

Climate Disinformation Database Launch in Europe


PARIS – The European Fact-Checking Standards Network, in association with participating member organisations, has launched the Climate Facts Europe database, supported by the European Climate Foundation.

Forever Pollution Project: Further Impact


EUROPE – Last year, in February 2023, 18 European newsrooms published a large investigation on 'forever chemicals', revealing that more than 17,000 sites all over Europe have already been contaminated by the PFAS. This project was followed by expert discussions, legal action, and has now widely been used for scientific purposes, too.