
BRUSSELS - The new grant programme Local Media for Democracy is launched today; a pilot media funding scheme that will inject €1.200.000 financial support to local, regional and community media who are struggling to serve the public interest in the so-called “news deserts” areas in Europe. 

These news desert areas can be a geographic or administrative area, or a social community, where it is difficult or impossible to access reliable, diverse and independent local, regional and community media. In other words, news deserts can emerge not only where there are no media outlets, but also where there are newsrooms captured by economic, political or other interests. 

The media selected for this scheme will also receive technical and strategic mentorship support from media experts to improve journalism innovation, organisational capacity and business sustainability, managed by International Media Support (IMS).

Who can apply?
Any incorporated legal entity can apply with a registered seat in one of the EU27 countries or teams of journalists (physical persons) having legal residence in the EU27 (including the 9 EU outermost regions).

How much is it possible to apply for?
In general, we ask applicants not to design a project starting from a target amount, but the other way around: start from a relevant project proposal, and then draft a realistic budget. The total available amount to be distributed is €1,200,000.

When is it possible to apply? 
The first deadline is on 25 May 2023 and the second deadline is on 28 September 2023. 

Application process, who can apply and the selection criteria can be found on our website here and in the Q&A section. Practical support and online information sessions will be provided to potential applicants during the pre-application phase. Register for our introductory webinar in April here to dispel your doubts.

The Local Media for Democracy project is an 18-month project co-funded by the European Union and launched by a consortium of partners: the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom (CMPF), International Media Support (IMS), and Journalismfund Europe

In addition to the grant programme, these organisations are undertaking a multifaceted programme to help struggling local, regional and community media in the news desert areas in Europe, by providing financial support, organisational capacity building, and conducting a research mapping the situation on the ground.

For more information about the #LocalMedia4Democracy project, click here

Apply here!

Views and opinions expressed on this website are those of the author only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. 


25 Small Media Outlets and Teams of Journalists Get More Than €600.000


BRUSSELS - The Local Media for Democracy project (LM4D) is supporting 25 small media outlets and freelance journalist groups from around Europe. They will receive a total of  €667,854 funding as well as mentorship to strengthen their reach and funding models so that they can better serve their local communities.

Lack of independent media funding is a major cause of news desertification around Europe


FLORENCE - The Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Pluralism (CMPF) published their preliminary study, “News deserts in Europe: assessing risks for local and community media in the 27 EU Member States”.

Local media: Surviving and thriving in a news desert

Report Local Media: Surviving and Thriving in a News Desert


COPENHAGEN - Highlighting the vital role of local media for stable communities, International Media Support (IMS) shares key insights, tools, and case studies from the Local Media for Democracy programme which supported 42 grantees across 17 EU countries.