
This investigation uncovered cases of corruption involving European companies which was well documented in the published work. The publications in different media outlets led to a subsequent follow up by a member of the European parliament who contacted the team for more details on the issue.

The flowery legalese of any Fishing Partnership Agreement always appears to secure the sustainability of the domestic fisheries involved but really this economic document is Brussels’ strategy for plundering the abundant undersea resources of Africa’s maritime states. From Sao Tomé to Sierra Leone, evidence abounds that the EU merely pays lip service to its pledges for global development.

The team’s efforts have not gone unrecognised in media circles. In September of 2018, they were the winners of Hostwriter journalism prize that was funded by the Otto Sprenger Foundation in Warsaw, Poland.

Read the full story here.

 Fish-for-cash barter: How EU robs Africa of its seafood (2017)