
ESSEN - In Germany, the first nonprofit investigative newsroom in the German-speaking world has been launched. CORRECT!V wants to "make investigative and informative journalism affordable and accessible to media organisations throughout Germany."

The platform sees itself as one of the many answers to the media crisis. "The old models of business are losing effectiveness. At the same time, journalists need to find better ways of explaining an increasingly complex world. [...] With no print or circulation costs, CORRECT!V focuses on content. The bulk of our funds go directly towards extensive investigative research that many media outlets can no longer afford. We want to uncover abuses of power and effectively strengthen our democracy."

CORRECT!V brings together investigative journalists and programmers and says it wants to look for innovative ways to publish larger stories on the internet. Two journalists involved have worked together on a project that was funded by Journalismfund.eu in 2011: David Schraven and Annika Joeres. The project investigated the dark economy of Roma migration into Western Europe.

The organisation is funded by charitable foundations, membership fees and donations from users and readers.