
NEW YORK - The Global Investigative Journalism Network launches a crowdfunding campaign to raise funds to bring promising journalists from developing and transitioning countries to the Global Investigative Journalism Conference.

The crowdfunding campaign was launched on Indiegogo on August 20 and runs for 31 days.

The money will be used to bring promising journalists from developing and transitioning countries to the Global Investigative Journalism Conference, where they'll get training in state-of-the-art investigative reporting, data journalism, and cross-border collaboration. This is a great way to help fight corruption and stand up for accountability and transparency around the world.

Read more about it and check out the campaign video on Indiegogo, featuring investigative reporters on the front lines in Kenya, Macedonia, Pakistan, and Tunisia.

The Global Investigative Journalism Conference takes place from October 10 to 15, 2013 in Rio De Janeiro.

"The key is to give journalists a story they can’t refuse"


BRUSSELS – “Like the lone wolf that cries in isolation.” Marina Walker Guevara used a powerful image to describe investigative journalists in her keynote speech at the Dataharvest/EIJC 2015. Still, ICIJ deputy director Walker came to the conclusion that collaboration is necessary. Not only because of the type of stories involved, but because working together provides protection and, in the end, more impact.

Dataharvest+, The European Investigative and Data Journalism Conference


Investigative journalists, data specialists and coding whizz-kids will once again gather in Brussels this year for the fourth edition of Journalismfund.eu’s Dataharvest Conference, renamed Dataharvest+. It takes place on Friday 9, Saturday 10 and Sunday morning 11 May 2014.

The Dataharvest/EIJC 2015 in a Nutshell


BRUSSELS – From the 8th until the 10th of May, the European capital of Brussels was transformed into an international meeting point for data coders and journalists, investigative or otherwise. The reason: the Dataharvest European Investigative Journalism Conference 2015.