
BRUSSELS - For the second time, after The Guardian's David Leigh in 2011, a member of the Journalismfund.eu jury is replaced and goes public: investigative and data journalist and European Journalist of the Year 2006, Nils Mulvad.

Journalismfund.eu works with an anonymous jury to assess the applications for working grants and attribute the available budget. The jury is anonymous to warrant their absolute independence. Membership is rotating; once a member steps out of the jury, his or her name is made known. There will be a special press freedom event during #dataharvest13 with Nils Mulvad and some other journalism heavyweights.

Nils Mulvad

Nils Mulvad (°1955) was a jury member from the very start of Journalismfund.eu in 2009 until 2013. He is associate professor at The Danish School of Media and Journalism and partner and editor at Kaas & Mulvad.

Until end 2006 he was executive director of the Danish International Center for Analytical Reporting, Dicar. In 2005 he co-founded the European network on getting data out on beneficiaries of agricultural subsidies now published on www.farmsubsidy.org. Together with former IRE director Brant Houston he was the main responsible for the two first Global Investigative Journalism Conferences in 2001 and 2003 in Copenhagen and was co-founder of the Global Investigative Journalism Network.

Mulvad is specialized in development of new methods in data journalism and using mobile and social media for journalism. In 2006 he won the European Journalist of the Year award.

Read the interview with Nils Mulvad on his time in the jury.

Call for applications

The spring call for applications will soon be announced. Stay on top of things and keep an eye on our website, Facebook page and Twitter account and subscribe to our newsletter (middle column on the homepage).

John Bones

The warm Norwegian everyone melted for, has passed away


TRONDHEIM / BRUSSELS - Today is a sad day. Mr. Bones, John Bones (1954-2024), the CEO of Norway's SKUP (one of Europe's oldest Foundation for a Critical and Investigative Press), is no more.