
PARIS - The French Oil Company Perenco S.A. is now facing the Paris Court of Justice. This is the first case in which a French company has been held liable for environmental damage caused abroad. This case, researched by Lea Szulewicz, Dorian Cabrol, Alexandre Brutelle and Baron Nkoy, proves that Perenco S.A. had the means to act but did not take the necessary measures to prevent and stop the pollution linked to the group's oil activities in the DRC.

Perenco may now be forced to repair the ecological damage already caused in the DRC to stop the pollution, and prevent future environmental damage. On the other hand, French energy transition minister Agnès Pannier-Runacher was placed at the heart of a discrete inheritance scheme linked to hedge funds based in tax haven countries. Her father, a long-serving Perenco executive, set up a company to donate a €1.2 million investment portfolio to the minister’s children.

Read the story here.

Taking companies to court

US: Ireland is failing to convict traffickers or support their victims


WASHINGTON DC - Ireland has not convicted any traffickers in the last year, the US State Department has found. This report cited the investigation "Hands on Deck" supported by the Modern Slavery Unveiled grant programme. 

Special Branch surveillance files made public


This project has led to the development of an active community of contributors and users who are using the archive as a resource to defend victims of unfounded police surveillance and for court cases. The project has become an important example of how to overcome challenges of access to information.

Bringing tools for investigations


LUXEMBOURG - The world’s steel leader ArcelorMittal has exceeded several pollution limits authorized by European, Italian and French law for a decade. Meanwhile, the company headquartered in Luxembourg has received billions euros of public funds and indirect subsidies.