
We live in a world where information is in abundance, but accurate news is not always easy to find… Voices emerges to bring citizens, journalists, and media professionals closer to each other. We want to celebrate the pivotal roles journalism and the informed public play in societies while fostering critical thinking around disinformation.

This festival will explore crucial themes shaping our relationship with information and media nowadays through talks, interactive workshops, exhibitions, and networking opportunities.

The sessions will tackle artificial intelligence and journalism, disinformation, safety of journalists, the challenges within media economic models, media literacy, elections' integrity, EU legislation on media, digital parenting, and digital well-being, among others.

After Florence, the Festival will embark on a journey across different European cities to spotlight media freedom and media literacy as essential elements for the functioning of our societies.

More info: www.voicesfestival.eu

Voices Festival Florence

Leopolda Station - Porta Al Prato
Piazzale di Porta al Prato (Viale Belfiore)
50100 Firenze