
KISHISHE - Despite the efforts and the enormous amounts of money invested in the management of the conflict and the post-conflict situation in Eastern Congo, the different peace agreements failed to create the conditions for sustainable conflict resolution. Conflict in Eastern Congo; a tale of war and dreadful peace agreements.

The present situation in Eastern Congo is the result of a series of wars, rebellions and unworkable peace agreements. Central Africa expert Kris Berwouts went to Eastern Congo for an in-depth analysis of the different layers of conflict in the region. He found out that the different peace agreements did not significantly strengthen the Congolese state, nor were they able to transform Rwanda’s destructive impact on security in Eastern Congo into a more constructive cohabitation.

In his book, which will be published in 2014, he emphasises that Congo and the entire region need bottom-up initiatives of conflict transformation, local governance and development. Before the publication of his book, Berwouts will work several findings in to articles.

€4,650 allocated on 19/12/2013



  • Congo's Violent Peace: Conflict and Struggle Since the African War -  ZED Books (London).
    Title: Congo's violent peace: Conflict and Struggle Since the Great African War
    Author: Kris Berwouts
    Publisher: ZED Books (Londen)
    ISBN: Paperback: 9781783603695 / eBook ePub: 9781783603725 / eBook Kindle: 9781783603732 / Library Edition: 9781783603701
    Pages: 216
    Publication date: 15/07/2017

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