
MOLDOVA - OLTENIA - MUNTENIA - The beneficiaries of this programme would be the communities of Moldova, Oltenia, and Southern Muntenia. Widespread politically-controlled corruption, significant social problems, and few independent sources of information characterize these regions. These regions are the poorest and least educated in Romania, with wide disparities in access to quality education and where early school leaving is particularly high in rural areas (22.4 %) and among disadvantaged groups. 

Target group

The project aims to expand Context.ro outreach in Romania’s three poorest regions and news deserts: Moldova, Oltenia, and Muntenia. These three regions are affected by significant social disparities, economic emigration, politically-controlled media, and extremist-populist rhetoric.

Goals of the project

By exposing corrupt practices, and illegal misuse of public and EU funds, our reports aim to raise public awareness and boost local civic engagement and transparency, which in the end, improve local and social-economic conditions. Our disclosures about malign players who economically control these news deserts aim to improve and clean the informational space and ecosystems. We will provide the new audiences with a piece of alternate, professionally-documented information; we will develop their critical thinking will generate awareness about transparency and a more involved civic engagement and further economic development.



The CONTEXT platform is an independent media start-up that aims to cultivate and expand Romania’s community of investigative journalists, with a strong focus on exposing corruption, fraud, and organised crime by publishing journalistic investigations.

€28.050 allocated on 27/06/2023




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