
BELGIUM - There is no form of religion that politicians and commentators are as concerned about as Salafism. The young men with their beards full of religion and women dressed in long, wavy robes with black stretch gloves have become the symbol of backwardness, of an Islam that does not belong to the West.

But what is striking about the way we talk about Salafism is that we do not talk to them but about them. Chams Eddine Zaougui decided to do it differently. For a year he immersed himself in the subject and researched what lies behind the label of the 'religious madmen'. He went in search of the people behind the beards and long robes.

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Chams Eddine Zaougui

Chams Eddine Zaougui (°1978) studied Arabic Studies in Ghent and Cairo. He frequently writes about the Arabic world for De Standaard, Knack and de Groene Amsterdammer.

Chams Eddine Zaougui
4.445 allocated on 21/12/2017.


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