PRAGUE - One in three women have experienced physical and/or sexual violence since the age of 15 – a total of 62 million women in Europe. The Istanbul Convention, a treaty aimed at preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence, should help with the situation.
The Czech Republic and Lithuania have not ratified the Istanbul Convention. The investigative team examined political, social, and cultural obstacles to ratification and assess the impact of the Convention in countries that have adopted it, as well as policies and programmes for victims of domestic violence in these countries.
Through interviewing NGO, lawyers, activists they would analyse and offer solutions to what can be done now, without the Istanbul convention, to better protect women. They would also describe what would change the ratification, how its signing impacted the situation in other countries.
Photo by Katerina Hefler
- Analýzy vražd, programy pro násilníky. Evropa řeší násilí na ženách, co pro to děláme v Česku?, Ekonews, 02/10/2024. (Czech)
- Vyro smurtą kentusi Oksana: „Girdėjau, kad pagalba galima, bet netikėjau, kad kas nors pasikeis“, FM99, 13/10/2024. (Lithuania)
- Smurto prieš moteris kaina Lietuvoje beveik du milijardai. Kaip tai pakeisti – Brėmeno pavyzdys, FM99, 14/10/2024. (Lithuania)
- Musíme zaručit, že každé dítě, které krizovou linku vytočí, se také dovolá, říká zmocněnkyně pro lidská práva, Ekonews, 15/10/2024. (Czech)
- Domácí násilí je i záležitostí firmy. Roste počet zaměstnavatelů, kteří svým lidem nabízejí pomoc, Ekonews, 31/10/2024. (Czech)
- Boj o Istanbulskou úmluvu: mezi ochranou žen a kulturními válkami, Ekonews, 12/11/2024. (Czech)
- Czech Republic
- Lithuania
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