
GOTHENBURG - With support from Journalismfund Europe, GIJN is developing and organizing the Investigative Agenda for Climate Change Journalism, a groundbreaking, day-long collaborative workshop that is bringing together leading investigative journalists on climate change. 

This invitation-only workshop takes place 19 September 2023, the day before the 2023 Global Investigative Journalism Conference (GIJC23), with sessions on strategies for watchdog journalism, the latest reporting techniques, and cross-border collaboration. 

Focused on corporate and government accountability, this unique workshop brings together the main investigative journalism networks, top names in the world of climate change journalism, and reporters and researchers working on the topic from across the world. It provides a structured but non-competitive arena for sharing ideas, learning, and methods for maximizing the impact of journalistic sleuthing and inquiry. The program combines guided discussion, practical advice, reflections on strategies, brainstorming, and themes for further investigation.

You can read the workshop's report here (or download the full version in pdf — see in the right column on this page) . The follow-up webinar can be seen here.



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