TUZLA - According to studies, the 18 coal power plants in the Western Balkans (WB) are responsible for more pollution than the 221 coal power plants still active in the European Union.
This immense atmospheric pollution contributes to global warming and its consequences are visible locally, with thousands of deaths per year in the WB and neighboring countries, since pollution doesn’t recognize borders.
As candidates to EU integration, the WB countries are supposed to embrace the European New Green Deal and start their transition from coal toward renewable energy sources, where they have an unexplored potential. But they don’t, and with the energy crisis triggered by the war in Ukraine, they revive the coal industry to avoid electricity shortage and even bigger inflation. But the prices of electricity have never taken into account the underestimated and under-reported health cost paid by the consumers, especially those living nearby the coal plants...
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- Enquête | Bosnie-Herzégovine : à Tuzla, le charbon noircit l’avenir, Le Courrier des Balkans, 18/02/2023
- Avec la guerre en Ukraine, la Bosnie-Herzégovine rêve de relancer sa filière charbon, Courrier des Balkans, 04/04/2023
- Enquête | Kosovo : sortir du tout-charbon, mission impossible?, Courrier des Balkans, 21/04/2023
- Dans les Balkans, le charbon tue, L'Echo, 22/04/2023
- À la Une: sortir du tout-charbon, mission impossible pour le Kosovo?, rfi, 21/04/2023
- Dans les Balkans, le charbon tue, Mediapart, 20/04/2023
- Bosnia Erzegovina: il futuro di Tuzla nero come il carbone, Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso, 20/05/2023
- La Serbie sort du charbon à reculons, Courrier des Balkans, 01/07/2023
- Kosovo: stop definitivo al carbone, una missione impossibile?, Osservatorio Balcani Caucaso, 17/07/2023
- Charbon ou énergies renouvelables: l’heure des choix, rfi, 08/02/2023
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