BRUSSELS - EU - Nearly 23,000 sites all over Europe are contaminated by the “forever chemical” PFAS, an exclusive, months-long investigation from 18 European newsrooms shows. The investigation “The Forever Pollution Project” revealed an additional 21,500 presumptive contamination sites due to current or past industrial activity. This contamination spreads all over Europe.
In early February 2023, the European Chemicals Agency ECHA published a ban proposal on all PFAS – or per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances. “The Forever Pollution Project” can now reveal that there is way more contamination all over Europe than has been publicly known. The journalists gathered 100 datasets and filed dozens of FOIA requests to build a first-of-its-kind map of PFAS contamination in Europe.
The project shows that there are 20 manufacturing facilities and more than 2.300 sites in Europe that can be considered PFAS hotspots – places where contamination reaches levels considered to be hazardous to the health of people exposed to them. The problem: It’s extremely expensive to get rid of these chemicals, once they have found their way into the environment. The cost of remediation will likely reach the tens of billions of Euros. In several places, the authorities have already given up and decided to keep the toxic chemicals in the ground, because it’s not possible to clean them up.
Photo credit: Thomas Steffen - Le Monde
- SEJ 22nd Annual Awards for Reporting on the Environment,The Kevin Carmody Award for Outstanding Investigative Reporting, category 'Large market'. 2nd place.
- 3rd Finalist for the 2023 Daphne Caruana Galizia Prize for Journalism awarded by the European Parliament (13 October 2023).
- SZ/NDR/WDR was nominated at the German Reporter Award in the category Data Journalism (Germany), 1 November 2023.
- Leana Hosea and Rachel Salvidge (Watershed Investigations) were “Highly commended”, category Energy & Environment Journalism at the British Journalism Awards for their series of PFAS articles in The Guardian, December 2023.
- Stephane Horel, coordinator and one of the initiators of the Forever Pollution investigation, received for it the 2024 AJSPI Best Science Journalist Prize from The French Association of Science Journalists.
- The project has been nominated for IJ4EU 2024 Impact award.
The project has attracted the attention of key regulatory and scientific bodies in many European countries as well as internationally, and has had a large impact.
Scientific paper
The team submitted a scientific paper version of the project to the major scientific journal Environmental Science & Technology which was subsequently published: PFAS Contamination in Europe: Generating Knowledge and Mapping Known and Likely Contamination with “Expert-Reviewed” Journalism.
Co-authors: Alissa Cordner, Phil Brown, Ian T. Cousins, Martin Scheringer, Luc Martinon, Gary Dagorn, Raphaëlle Aubert, Leana Hosea, Rachel Salvidge, Catharina Felke, Nadja Tausche, Daniel Drepper, Gianluca Liva, Ana Tudela, Antonio Delgado, Derrick Salvatore, Sarah Pilz, Stéphane Horel.
While the extent of environmental contamination by per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) has mobilized considerable efforts around the globe in recent years, little data were publicly available in Europe. In an unprecedented experiment of “expert-reviewed journalism” involving twenty-nine journalists and seven scientific advisers, the cross-border collaborative project, the “Forever Pollution Project” (FPP), drew both on scientific methods and investigative journalism techniques such as open-source intelligence (OSINT) and freedom of information (FOI) requests to map contamination across Europe, making public data that previously had existed as “unseen science.” The FPP identified 20,176 known contamination sites, including 20 PFAS manufacturing facilities, and 21,429 “presumptive contamination sites,” including 13,769 sites presumably contaminated with fluorinated aqueous film-forming foam (AFFF) discharge, 2,911 industrial facilities, and 4,787 sites related to PFAS-containing waste. Finally, the FPP identified 232 "known PFAS users," a new category for sites with intermediate level of evidence on PFAS use and considered likely to be contamination sources. However, the true extent of contamination in Europe remains significantly underestimated due a lack of comprehensive geolocation, sampling, and publicly available data. This model of knowledge production and dissemination offers lessons for researchers, policy makers, and journalists about cross-field collaborations and data transparency.
- Forever Pollution Project, 23/02/2023
- 'Forever pollution': Explore the map of Europe's PFAS contamination, Le Monde, 23/02/2023
- 'Forever chemicals': The key public health issue of defining an 'acceptable' threshold, Le Monde, 23/02/2023
- « Polluants éternels » : comment « Le Monde » a suivi la trace des PFAS à travers l’Europe, Le Monde, 23/02/2023
- « Polluants éternels » : quels sont les effets des PFAS sur la santé ?, Le Monde, 23/02/2023
- « Polluants éternels » : explorez la carte d’Europe de la contamination par les PFAS, Le Monde, 23/02/2023
- PFAS - the poison of the century, Süddeutsche Zeitung, 23/02/2023
- PFAS - Die dunkle Seite der Wärmepumpe, Süddeutsche Zeitung, 23/02/2023
- PFAS - Die ausführliche Methodik der Recherche, Süddeutsche Zeiting, 23/02/2023
- „Sie können sich schon mal von Ihrem Mobiltelefon verabschieden“, Süddeutsche Zeitung, 23/02/2023
- Alles Wissenswerte über PFAS, Süddeutsche Zeitung, 23/02/2023
- Buncefield: the PFAS legacy of ‘biggest fire in peacetime Europe’, The Guardian, 23/02/2023
- Revealed: scale of ‘forever chemical’ pollution across UK and Europe, The Guardian, 23/02/2023
- What are PFAS, how toxic are they and how do you become exposed?, The Guardian, 23/02/2023
- Wie Bayer, BASF & Co für PFAS lobbyieren, tagesschau, 23/02/2023
- Wo PFAS überall Deutschland verschmutzen, tagesschau, 23/02/2023
- Perfluorované látky: příčina otrav a úmrtí, o které se dosud nemluvilo, Deník Referendum, 23/02/2023
- Langzaam begint Europa in te zien hoe groot het PFAS-gevaar is, NRC, 23/02/2023
- 'Forever pollution': Explore the map of Europe's PFAS contamination, Le Monde, 23/02/2023
- NRW: Gift PFAS in offenbar mehr Orten als bisher bekannt, WDR, 23/02/2023
- PFAS-Chemikalien: So erkennen Sie die giftigen Stoffe in Alltagsprodukten, WDR, 23/02/2023
- 'Forever chemicals': In France, nearly 1,000 PFAS-contaminated sites are largely ignored, Le Monde, 24/02/2023
- « Polluants éternels » : en France, près de 1 000 sites contaminés largement ignorés, Le Monde, 24/02/2023
- Rumilly, France: The 'world capital of the frying pan' and a 'forever chemical' hotspot Le Monde, 24/02/2023
- Rumilly, « capitale mondiale de la poêle » et hot spot de la « pollution éternelle » aux PFAS, Le Monde, 24/02/2023
- ‘Forever chemicals’ mean England’s waters will miss pollution targets for decades, The Guardian, 24/02/2023
- Toxic substances from chemicals firm site found polluting protected river, The Guardian, 24/02/2023
- Eine Verbindung für die Ewigkeit, Süddeutsche Zeitung, 24/02/2023
- Karte der ewigen Belastungen: Hier sind PFAS zu finden, SRF, 24/02/2023
- Toxic substances from chemicals firm site found polluting protected river, The Guardian, 24/02/2023
- UK risks falling behind Europe in controlling ‘forever chemicals’, The Guardian, 25/02/2023
- Het chemisch gevaar dat boven Dordtse hoofden hangt, NRC, 27/02/2023
- PFAS-Giftstoffe: Kantone stehen vor Herkulesaufgabe, SRF, 28/02/2023
- Se kortet: Under disse 1.161 grunde er vandet forurenet med PFAS, Politiken, 28/02/2023
- 'Forever pollution': Explore the map of Europe's PFAS contamination, Le Monde, 14/03/2023
- Ρομπ Μπίλοτ, ο δικηγόρος του Dark Waters για τα «Αιώνια Χημικά»: «Η μάχη θα είναι άγρια αλλά οι εταιρείες πρέπει να πληρώσουν», Reporters United, 31/03/2023
- PFAS: La mappa europea degli inquinanti eterni (a report collection of 9 publications), Radar magazine, 01/03/2023
- PFAS, consulta la mappa europea degli inquinanti eterni, Radar magazine, 15/03/2023
- PFAS sind eine Bedrohung der öffentlichen Gesundheit weltweit, Süddeutsche Zeitung, 23/03/2023
- Six mois de consultation publique sur le projet européen d’interdiction globale des « polluants éternels », Le Monde, 27/03/2023
- PFAS, un marchio eterno, Le Scienze, 28/03/2023
- Rozhovor s R. Billotem: Průmysl perfluorovaných látek lže tak jako ten tabákový, Deník Referendum, 04/04/2023
- Gli inquinanti eterni, Internazionale / Le Monde, 13/04/2023
- Veleni a Bruxelles, Internazionale / Süddeutsche Zeitung, 17/04/2023
- Cosa c'e' da sapere sui PFAS, Internazionale / The Guardian, 27/04/2024
- KARTE: Kur Latvijā uzkrājas bīstamas «mūžīgās ķimikālijas», Latvijas Radio 1, 11/05/2023
- PFAS: el rastro de los contaminantes eternos en España, El Diario, 02/07/2023
- PFAS: el rastro de los contaminantes eternos en España, Datadista, 02/07/2023
- Forever PFAS - Landkarte des Gifts, Tagesschau, 23/02/2023
- Kartta näyttää, missä Suomessa on havaittu ikuisia kemikaaleja – paistinpannuista ja goretexista tutut aineet terveydelle haitallisia, Yleisradio, 23/02/2023
- Jahrhundertgift PFAS: Wie verseucht ist Deutschland?, Panorama (Das Erste), 23/02/2023
- Proposal for law amendment in France, National Assembly
- Presented the the conference Health, Environment, Work: From Data To Evidence, 12/06/2023
Further presented at:
- 14th International HCH (Lindane) & pesticides forum, Zaragoza (Spain) / online, 23 February 2023.
- Side event of the United Nations’ Conference of the parties of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions, Geneva (Switzerland), 02 May 2023.
- Annual meeting of the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) Global Soil Partnership International Network on Soil Pollution (INSOP), online, 14 June 2023.
- Soil reuse on reconstruction sites in the new Circular Economy era – Available regulatory frameworks and case studies of PFAS-contaminated sites management, National Technical University of Athens (Greece), ENYDRON / Online, 1st September 2023.
- Health and Environmental Alliance (Heal) 20th anniversary, Brussels (Belgium), 3 October 2023.
- CAR-PFAS Japan, Fourth international seminar on the consortium for analysis and remediation of per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances in Japan, online, 10 October 2023.
- European Commission Annual Forum on Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals, Brussels (Belgium), 20 October 2023.
- Tackling PFAS pollution & Launch Knowledge Center Innovative Remediation Solutions, Belgian presidency of the European Union, Government of Flanders, Antwerp (Belgium), 1-2 February 2024.
- Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Global Forum on the Environment dedicated to Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances, Paris (France) 12 February 2024
- Government urged to act over concerns of ‘forever chemicals’ in drinking water, The Standard, 18/10/2023
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