"We lost our media”, stated Hungarian PM Viktor Orbán in a rare interview in early 2015. He was referring to the media empire of a longtime ally-turned-enemy.
"We lost our media”, stated Hungarian PM Viktor Orbán in a rare interview in early 2015. He was referring to the media empire of a longtime ally-turned-enemy.
Orbán encouraged allies of his Fidesz party to pour energy and money into recreating and enhancing a powerful government-friendly media machine.
Since then, close allies of the government have bought up the bigger chunk of the Hungarian media landscape. Under their leadership, formerly independent media are spouting propaganda in formerly unseen proportions.
Several of such ownership changes seem to describe a corrupted state, using means of dubious legality to wrest control of any media from their former owners.
A FoX grant of €1615, granted on 21/09/2016ID
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