Gabriele Crescente is Europe and environment editor at Italian weekly Internazionale.

Previously he edited the op-ed section and worked at the multilingual European news site Presseurop. He is the author of Storia mondiale del lockdown (Laterza 2022). His main focus is on the climate and environmental crisis and the energy transition.

Languages: Italian, English, French, Spanish, Portuguese

Gabriele Crescente

Basic information

Gabriele Crescente
Climate crisis, environment, European affairs, strategic issues

Mentor for

(Mis)Managing Water

  • Climate
  • Corruption
  • Environment

ITALY/SPAIN - Both countries are considered to be under high water stress, but while a recent drought that hit Italy has mostly subsided, water scarcity is ravaging Catalonia, in northeastern Spain, laying bare the unpreparedness of water infrastructure to deal with such a traumatic manifestation of climate change.

Cecilia Butini

Adapting or Failing? Europe's local response to climate change

  • Cities
  • Climate

ORADEA/LOULE/ROSTOCK- In this investigation, a diverse group of journalists analysed climate risk reports, academic literature and EU strategies for climate adaption to grasp the current state of adaptation in Europe and looked at local climate adaption in Oradea, Romania, Loulé, Portugal and Rostock, Germany to investigate what local circumstances hinder vs. encourage good climate adaptation practice.

Adapting or Failing?

Behind The Flames: Investigating Wildfires in Turkey and Italy

  • Climate
  • Environment

SICILY / ANTALYA – Forest wildfires have increased in scale and impact. Every year, 375,000 hectares of land in Mediterranean countries are scorched by them. The journalists tried to identify the main factors which lead to these disasters endangering entire ecosystems.

Climate, COPs, NAPs... and Africa

  • Climate
  • Environment

ACCRA — Africa produces less than 4% of the greenhouse gases that are thought to lead to climate change, and yet continental Africa is expected to be the most affected by climate change.

Emerging Energy Cooperatives: Bright Future or Great Failure?

  • Climate
  • Energy
  • Environment

WARSAW - Dreams of growing megawatts like tomatoes on a windowsill. Will energy cooperatives give power to the people?

Silviu Matei

Thirsty Europe: How Communities Cope with Increasing Droughts

  • Cities
  • Climate
  • Environment

TYROL - As a result of climate change, droughts are on the rise in Europe and local and national governments are preparing for increasingly dry years. 

Teseo LaMarca