Marieke Dermul is digital storyteller and director.

She made reports for the Belgian public broadcaster VRT. With the Creative Lab of VRT she worked together for 'Political Parties explained'. For the documentary performance 'European Citizen Popsong' she received a nomination for the Filipa Bragança Award at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.

Basic information

Marieke Dermul
digital storytelling

Supported projects

Pride is Protest!

  • Human Rights
  • Equality

NEW YORK - The documentary 'Pride is Protest' offers an insight into the LGBTQ scene in New York, 50 years after Stonewall. Marieke Dermul and Filip Tielens went to New York for a week in June 2019 during the biggest Pride ever. They talked to a veteran of the 1969 riots about positive changes, but also to young LGBT people, transgenders and people of colour about discrimination in the year 2019. What do they think should be fought for today? And how does that translate into contemporary activism and protest, besides the great party that a Pride is every time again?