Stefano Valentino is a Brussels-based freelance investigative journalist.

He is a specialist of EU affairs and globalisation, mostly in areas related to the environment. His mission is exposing the connections between ecological sustainability, corporate lobbying and resource conflicts.
He has a track record of international investigative projects funded by grant-making organizations. His work has appeared in leading media outlets in different countries, such as the Guardian, the Christian Science Monitor, EU Observer, La Repubblica, Liberation, Der Spiegel, El Diario, NRC Handelsblad.

Stefano Valentino

Basic information

Stefano Valentino
Investigative journalist
Environment, sustainability

Supported projects

Soy traders and EU food brands fuel deforestation in Argentina

  • Agriculture
  • Environment

CHACO – A cross-border investigation conducted by Voxeurop and Periodistas por el Planeta reveals that livestock farms in Italy and Spain, two major meat exporters across Europe, as well as iconic food brands are indirectly linked to deforestation in the Chaco province in Argentina.

Made in Pakistan - The Slaves of Your T-shirt

  • Human Rights
  • Trafficking

KARACHI - Top clothing brands in the EU are hesitant to fully eliminate child and bonded labor from their supply chain from Pakistan, one of the biggest producers of cotton and one of the biggest largest textile exporters to the EU, 

Carmakers strike back: How they lobbied down new EU emissions rules

  • Corruption
  • Healthcare
  • Industry
  • Transport

BRUSSELS – A team of investigative journalists led by Voxeurop carried out a cross-border investigation into how the European automotive industry lobby managed to weaken the Euro 7 regulation on new motor vehicle emissions standards.

How 'Green' Investments Are Financing Big Carbon

  • Climate
  • Energy
  • Environment

MILAN - Asset management companies in Europe are using semantic tricks and regulatory loopholes to sell 'green' investments that actually fund the hydrocarbon industry. Italy's Eurizon, a subsidiary of Intesa SanPaolo, is a case in point. 

Twenty years of SARS

  • Healthcare
  • Science

BRUSSELS - Twenty years ago, the first SARS outbreak sounded the alarm. But Europe failed to prepare for the Covid-19 pandemic due to a lack of funding for drug research, and may still be unprepared for the next one, argue several prominent scientists interviewed by Stefano Valentino and Gian Paolo Accardo.

Forest Destruction Fueled by EU "Green" Fuel

  • Energy
  • Environment

SUMATRA -  An EU directive is set to ban the import of palm oil for use as biodiesel. In the meantime, diesel continues to be produced from oil deriving from plantations that replaced virgin forest. A good illustration is provided by ENI and TotalEnergies in Indonesia.

EU and Italy turn blind eye to illegal fishing in West Africa

  • Environment
  • Fishing industry

FREETOWN - Fish exported from Sierra Leone to Italy is exposed to allegedly illegal trawling that the Italian government seems unwilling to scrutinize.

The Top 100 European Places Where Dieselgate Kills the Most

  • Environment
  • Healthcare

BRUSSELS - Excess diesel emissions produce a tiny portion of harmful dusts. Yet, they cause dozens of deaths in Europe’s highly populated road traffic hotspots. The fact that they have such a high health impact despite their relatively small contribution to overall pollution reveals how seriously air contamination threatens our lives.

Nerves of Steel: How the EU gave carte blanche to health poisoners

  • Healthcare
  • Industry

Steel producers and other industrial sectors must comply with new EU emission rules by 2016. But the giants of the steel industry have watered down their obligations after a successful lobbying campaign within the EU decision-making process.

Particulate matter, big profit

  • Environment
  • Journalism & Media

GHENT - In the region of the port of Ghent, the emission of CO2 and harmful particulate matter is related to the failure of European and international climate standards.

Cold Case: EU Spending in Kosovo

  • Corruption
  • Justice

PRISTINA - Up until nine years after the Kosovo War, from 1999 to 2008, Kosovo was ran by UNMIK (United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo).