
CHACO – A cross-border investigation conducted by Voxeurop and Periodistas por el Planeta reveals that livestock farms in Italy and Spain, two major meat exporters across Europe, as well as iconic food brands are indirectly linked to deforestation in the Chaco province in Argentina.

This is the second largest ecosystem in South America after the Amazon. Soy imported from the Chaco is used to produce animal feed for European cattle, without reliable traceability to plantations to ensure its sustainability.

Ground reporting documented vast land clearing in the areas which are home to soy storage facilities of Bunge, Cofco and Louis Dreyfus, three of the World's largest agri-commodity traders. Data analysis shows that the two companies shipped soy from those areas to Italy and Spain.

A top Italian feed producer was found buying soy from Bunge and Cofco and supplying pigs and cows farms associated with Prosciutto San Daniele and Parmigiano Reggiano. None of the actors involved in the supply chain confirmed that the soy followed from the Chaco to supermarkets is deforestation-free.

Photo: Soy beans in Argentina. CC Javier/Flickr


Team members

Stefano Valentino

Stefano Valentino is a Brussels-based freelance investigative journalist.

Stefano Valentino

Laura Villadiego

Laura Villadiego is a freelance journalist, based in Madrid, Spain. 

Laura Villadiego

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